More questions to Rob Newman, Kent Williston, John Parish and Joe Alexander

Kent, Rob, John, and Joe, 

Disappointment and despair does not begin to describe the effects of your letter. Either what you wrote in your public email is true, or it is not, about none of the sisters being willing to be with Tamara Wagner.

IF IT IS TRUE — not only was it cruel, unnecessary, publicly-shaming, and humiliating to tell the entire world (as you know all emails become at this time), you breached the confidentiality of every other sister worker on the staff.  If it is NOT true — you slandered those sisters who have not said this. Who you have not asked. Either way, you have made public a very private personnel matter. 

IF IT IS TRUE — I wonder if you can comprehend the depth of the pain and sorrow you have caused? To disdain and disparage Tamara’s entire life of service to the God of heaven and His people with the flick of a pen/a few strokes of the keyboard. There are so many other ways you could have accurately conveyed that Tamara would no longer have a companion — and it sounds like maybe she will get one on another staff. For example: “Currently Tamara is without a companion while we see what other arrangements can be made. For now, Tamara will be in [GEOGRAPHICAL PLACE/OTHER INFO].”  All true. Ironically, the things you should NOT share, you do.  

John 10:12 KJV But he that is an hireling, and not the shepherd, whose own the sheep are not, seeth the wolf coming, and leaveth the sheep, and fleeth: and the wolf catcheth them, and scattereth the sheep.   I don’t know if you are the hirelings or the wolves. But these actions are not those of a true shepherd. Feed my lambs. Feed my sheep. Not “betray my sent ones” and “terrorize my sheep.” 

IF IT IS TRUE — I notice that Tamara was currently with a sister who was quite willing to be with her and they were in the middle of a gospel meeting season. If the issue is a companion, she has one — Reta Fuhrman.  If it is true, why did you just dismiss the only sister worker who was willing to be with Tamara, in the middle of the year? Why not wait until convention time or a time when they were not actively in the middle of their year?

And as for Reta. As to your statement that Reta’s health was “more of a load” for her coworkers and her fields.  “More of a load”? Well sure, when you have a disability it’s technically true that it can be “more of a load.”  But enough of a dire emergency that she must be dismissed now? Immediately? When — according to you — she is the ONLY sister worker who is willing to be with Tamara? That does not make too much sense. 

IF IT IS TRUE THAT her health is “more of a load” — or a burden — Galatians 6:2 KJV  Bear ye one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ. 

IF IT IS TRUE THAT Reta’s health is “more of a load”  — oh, how cruel and callous it was to publicly announce that as if she were simply a burden to be unloaded. How did you dare to speak for all of us — her co-workers and her fields — in this cruel manner? There are so many other ways you could have accurately framed your dismissal of her. Then again, maybe it would have placed you in a poor light.  Again — I am, and we are, devastated that you were willing to denigrate and despise the lifelong tireless sacrifice of a dear beloved sister with a few ill-chosen words. Do you understand that you have likely caused years of pain and sorrow for her? Imagine her struggling to survive and find some purpose and peace in this moment, thinking back over her life of honest and true sacrifices and realizing that the last words said to the flock about her — in the letter dismissing her — were those. The mind boggles. (And the same, for Tamara.) Every single one of Maslow’s hierarchy of human needs is wrapped up in the ministry for these sisters (this is true for most workers, generally, but especially sisters) and you would throw these sisters out like so much refuse.

Apparently you decided that “more of a load” meant “too much of a load.”

IF IT IS TRUE that Reta’s co-workers and her fields have said she is “too much of a load” —  then you have breached the confidentiality and trust of all those co-workers. And have grouped all of us in the “fields” with whoever thought Reta was too much of a load — after she gave her whole life for us. I do not wish to be grouped in with whoever said that — if any of them ever did. 

IF ANY OF IT IS FALSE — I have no words. (But Jesus has many strong words for it.) 

Well, either way I have a few more words if you will indulge me. If you will not — God knows I tried. I kind of feel it is “pearls before swine” but send this I must. 

A silver lining: the international outpouring of love and support for these sisters as a response to this ill-conceived letter of betrayal. 

Spiritual Outlook: Another silver lining is that — as more and more breaches and betrayals occur, more and more people will seek God even more fervently and will get back to scripture. We are in perilous times. Elijah thought he was the only one who was doing right. Daniel and his friends were alone in doing the right thing where they were. This letter and so many other actions show that we are in similar times. There are very few of God’s servants who can be trusted currently. (None of you who signed this letter can — that is clear.) There are many friends who blindly follow these workers. I believe this letter alone shows He is not with you who wrote this letter at this time. I pray you will repent. Baalam was a false prophet with a true message. Elijah was fed by the ravens. It has been revealed to me that this is one of the explanations for how God is feeding His people through some of the workers. 

Human Outlook: On a more human level, this letter evinces what we refer to in the corporate world as glaring “opportunities” or “gaps” or “misses.” I would like to suggest some communication and leadership resources that I think would be helpful for all of you if you plan to continue in leadership positions. There are so many things out there that would help. Use a throwaway email address to sign up for the test and profile — one that you don’t care if you get spam to (you can create a free gmail address just for this). 

Free personality test, type descriptions, relationship and career

TeamDynamics – MBTI Team Building
There are many other resources aside from the below. I encourage you to seek them out regarding appropriate communication from leadership, emotional intelligence, etc. Such as  

Betrayed and sorrowful, we carry on.


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