Email from Steve Peirson to Rob Newman, Kent Williston, John Parish and Joe Alexander

On December 13, 2023 an email went out from Steve Peirson to Rob Newman Overseer and worker for CA/AZ/NV, and subordinates Kent Williston worker, John Parish worker and Joe Alexander worker. The letter was redacted and posted online. Here is the content of the email.

December 13, 2023

Rob, Kent, John and Joe,

Lamentations 3:48 Mine eye runneth down with rivers of water for the destruction of the daughter of my people.

I have no words that could convey how ashamed I am of each of you, for what you have turned into individually and collectively. And your feeble attempt at covering this mess with: “ Much time, care and thought have gone into these decisions.” That’s exactly what the high priests and Pharisees said 2,000 years ago regarding Jesus, and you’re fulfilling scripture in the same spirit as those who did away with Jesus. And you’re hiding behind your “office” as grounds and authority for your actions. This is shameful.

Who have you consulted with that is older or more experienced than yourselves in matters this serious? WHO has groomed you and instructed you to treat your fellow servants this way? You ALL are coming dangerously close to what Jesus said in Matthew 24 …  But and if that evil servant shall say in his heart, My lord delayeth his coming; And shall begin to smite his fellow servants, and to eat and drink with the drunken; The lord of that servant shall come in a day when he looketh not for him, and in an hour that he is not aware of.

You have shattered two lives, along with a mother who gladly gave her daughter to this ministry over 30 years ago, her hopes of a family of her own blighted, and now past getting a career and the hope of a secure future … and now you try to assuage your conscience with “ Much time, care and thought have gone into these decisions?!?!?!!” This seems criminal to me!

Your decisions don’t savor of the Christ, nor do they show the heart of your Heavenly Father, nor is the touch of the Spirit of God in your planning. It is WELL known that those ladies along with others on your staff have lived in fear and dread that they’re on the list for elimination, and it is rumored that several have been given to understand that they may be the next to be “dismissed”. This is wicked and it has GOT to stop!! Nowhere in the world have I seen servants of God treated in this way, even if they’re struggling. Which of you don’t have personality and character flaws? None of us are easy to be with! Which of you are sinless? If YOU were treated the way you ALL have treated your sisters last week who are perhaps older than you, you’d have given up and gone out the back door with your heads hanging in shame forever, long ago.

You have bowed down the heads of the Lord’s people and His servants in profound sorrow all over the US and beyond. You’ve ALL had a part in slaying two ladies far more consecrated, Godly and righteous than yourselves: that’s possibly 80 years of combined service you ALL have been in agreement to cast off as dung. Do you have any idea of what it does to a true Lady to function as best she can when she’s terrified by the men who hold her future in their hands? This is cowardice and bullying in a horrific way that each of you are guilty of, individually and collectively because you each were in agreement to sign your names to that letter. You’re all guilty and responsible. And you all should be absolutely ashamed of yourselves for your cold, hard and unfeeling hearts.

Your “day” of oversight reminds me of 1 Samuel 13:7 As for Saul, he was yet in Gilgal, and all the people followed him trembling. PLEASE beg God for help, mercy and a LOT of guidance to stop this horrible direction you’ve taken over a period of several years and to stop the havoc and sorrow you’re wreaking on too many. An apology can’t take away the trauma you’ve cause MANY, but if with time you can show a definite change of direction, and setting at ease the minds of others who live under the dreadful fear of being cast out of the ministry that God called them to, this might be a beginning of better days.

Below is a list of what has taken place since I came north in ‘06. You won’t find a list like this anywhere else in the world. Half of these workers were terminated for a variety of excuses. This is inexpressibly shameful. Please get help to stop this dreadful bullying before anyone else is destroyed.

With profound sorrow,

Steve Peirson

Dismissed (fired!)

1. R….. (dismissed)

2. T….. (dismissed)

3. L….. (dismissed)

4. K….. (dismissed)

5. E….. (dismissed)

6. K….. (dismissed)

7. S….. (dismissed)

8. J….. (dismissed)

9. I….. (dismissed)

10. M….. (dismissed)

11. C….. (dismissed)

12. C….. (dismissed)

13. D….. (dismissed)

14. M….. (dismissed)

15. N….. (dismissed)

16. O….. (dismissed)

17. R….. (dismissed)

18. B….. (Mental-break)

19. C….. (Mental-break)

20. C….. (destroyed)

21. G….. (destroyed)

22. L….. (destroyed


24. X…. left before being dismissed

25. X….. in fear of being dismissed

26. X….. in fear of being dismissed

27. X….. in fear of being dismissed

28. X….. in fear of being dismissed)

29. X….. word came from California that if X returned to CA he would be “without

companion” and likely on the resting list)


30. K…..

31. B…..

32. J…..

33. S…..

34. B…..

When one looks at the number of people who have given and then booted, one has to wonder and question, what spirit and what God is leading this ministry. Steve Peirson has made some VERY direct and accurate assessments which also contains fear, guilt and shame. Those three items are for another post, not today.


One response to “Email from Steve Peirson to Rob Newman, Kent Williston, John Parish and Joe Alexander”

  1. Blank Stare Avatar
    Blank Stare

    This is definitely some crazy psychology going here. Difficult to comprehend, as there does not seem to be any alignment between the tree and the fruit thereof.

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